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House design and drafting has been a life-long passion. It all began at the age of 5 years, when I fell upon a book of floor plans. I would go to the public library and take out books learning how to read and visualize the spaces the books presented. As I grew older, I got into all books on architecture, and would start hand drawing my own ideas - and that was it, I knew what I wanted to do!


Today, we see architecture, design and drafting as an art; they communicate more than lines and building elements - they reflect dreams, aspirations and unique lifestyles of those who inhabit them. ​AT GDI, we strive to create floor plans, layouts and spaces that are thoughful, fluid, and as unique as they can be. We strive to create inviting and intriguing spaces with interior design in mind; smart, tasteful and comfortable. We want the exteriors of the home to be true to the chosen style of home, blending seemlessly from the outside in. With every project, we want to make every drawing communicate its design clearly, effectively and beautifully - because we enjoy this work!

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